The Herconomy community can be found on Telegram, to join simply sign up click on community and select any of the communities you are interested in joining.
To access our community you must the Telegram messenger App on your phone.
The Herconomy community can be found on Telegram, to join simply sign up click on community and select any of the communities you are interested in joining.
To access our community you must the Telegram messenger App on your phone.
Herconomy is a community for empowered women combined with a financial platform to level the playing field. We empower women through financial services, community, and capacity building. We are building a world where women can save, earn, connect, and thrive.
Our community is guided by principles of gender equality, inclusivity, collaboration, and shared decision-making. We believe in the power of teams, and we emphasize collective achievements, while also recognizing the important contributions of individual action, initiative, and leadership.
We have the following community groups on Telegram
Herconomy fitness
Herconomy wigs
Herconomy reading club
Herconomy Enjoyment
Herconomy investment
Real Estate
Free subscribers get access to our capacity-building session and select events.
The Herconomy community has two main tiers, the free bronze membership and Gold paid membership.
To access the Herconomy community simply navigate to the community tab on the app and select the group you are interested in joining, you must have a telegram on your device in order to access our community.
You can join the Herconomy community either as a paid or free member by simply downloading the app and signing up on our platform as a free or paid member.
To become a gold member simply download our app, navigate to accounts select our gold member membership tier, make payment, and fill in the form for a gold card.
Open the app navigate to discounts and click on the service or product you are interested in getting a discount on follow the stated instructions to retrieve your discounts.