Transfers FAQ
What is the Transfers feature in Float?
Float – Float transfers are now available! Now you can make transfers to any Herconomy users absolutely free of charge and with no minimum amount limit.
Can I transfer any amount?
Yes, Transfers of any amount are allowed as long as the user is a registered Herconomy user.
Can I transfer outside of Herconomy?
Not at the moment. We’re constantly working to add new features to our apps.
Do I need to pay any fees?
No, Float transfers are absolutely free of charge.
How do I make a transfer?
All you need is the user’s phone number or email address. Once provided, you’ll be provided with the recipient’s name for verification before completing the transfer.
Can I make a transfer from my Vault?
No, you can only make a transfer from your Float.
What details do I need to make a transfer?
All you need is the recipient’s phone number or email address.
Can I make a transfer to any bank in Nigeria?
Not at the moment.
What if I can’t find the recipient’s email?
This user may not be a registered Herconomy user. In the event that this is a registered user and you still encounter this problem, please contact customer support.
My transfer failed, what do I do?
Please wait a few minutes and then you can try again. If you are still having trouble, please contact customer support.